Top view of businessman hand making a pyramid shape of post it papers with people symbol on them un a conceptual image of business hierarchy.

Preparing the organizational structure and job description

The organizational structure of institutions is the best way to help them achieve their goals efficiently and effectively and achieve integration in work, in addition to reducing the cost of operation, by assisting in the implementation of plans and decision-making, determining the roles of individuals and achieving harmony between the various units and activities, and avoiding overlap and duplication, etc., and the job description is one of The most important documents that institutions or companies possess for each job separately, so that they contain specifications, qualifications, experiences, skills, and abilities that are required of the individual.

اعداد سياسة التعاقب الوظيفي

Preparing a succession policy

Job succession is defined as the process of continuous search for future leaders and the orderly development of their professional, managerial and leadership skills, as companies depend in their performance on a set of important basic and basic functions, and the implementation of these functions is based on a group of distinguished competencies, experiences and leadership skills, and there are several factors that emphasize the importance of succession. Employment, including the increasing deficit in qualified managers and the requirement for higher qualifications in senior management positions, this policy aims to maintain the continuity of providing distinctive competencies for the company and gives the shareholders confidence in the continuation of the activity in the event of the exit of any of the main managers from the company and ensures the continuity and growth of the company.

Businessman analyzing a wall with many financial charts and reports, he is underlining text with a marker

Preparing a guide of legal compliance policies and procedures

The Compliance Department is primarily responsible for identifying, measuring, monitoring and supervising the system of risks to which the company or institution is exposed and preparing reports on them. It also performs the role of independent internal advisor to the executive management to evaluate and monitor the risks to which the company or institution is exposed.

إعداد دليل سياسات الامتثال لمكافحة غسل الاموال وتمويل الإرهاب

Preparing a compliance policy guide for combating money laundering and terrorist financing

Money laundering is the hiding of the source of illicit funds by legitimate means. Money laundering is a major threat to the local and international community, as mitigating the risks of money laundering plays an important role in helping institutions, companies and banks achieve their goals of maintaining market confidence and maintaining efficiency, transparency and integrity of the financial and economic sector. This guide contains a set of detailed procedures, regulations and internal controls that companies, institutions and banks seek to adhere to by adopting and applying them by their boards of directors.

إعداد سياسة مكافحة الاحتيال المالي2

Preparing the financial fraud control policy

With the multiplicity of traditional and electronic channels for banks and the development of technical means through which financial services and products can be obtained, financial fraud has increased and its methods and methods are renewed from time to time and take many forms and images; However, its goal is one, which is to defraud individuals to steal their bank card data and bank accounts and plunder their money and savings, and it may even involve them in money laundering and terrorist financing operations, as this policy contains a set of procedures that help in identifying the various types of financial fraud and the steps that can be taken Follow it to help clients who may fall victim to fraud and methods that prevent the completion of fraudulent movements to protect banks and financial institutions from these illegal practices.


Preparing the Human Resources Manual

Human resources represent the most important components of the infrastructure of an organization or company, as it is a set of processes such as planning, organizing, directing and controlling all aspects related to individuals. Human resources management can be considered one of the most important administrative processes in an organization or company, as it is concerned with the human element that is carried out Its activities and all its projects, and this element has a major role in achieving its goals, noting that it is an organizational process that deals with matters related to individuals working in the institution or company, such as their selection, appointment, training, and other matters related to work affairs.

Preparing a matrix of powers and authorities

The Powers Matrix aims to define the responsibility for making administrative, technical and financial decisions and the level of authority for each activity in the organization or company by defining the roles from the stage of preparing the decision content until its approval. The duplication of powers, strengthening the principle of accountability, and clarifying communication channels to increase efficiency and effectiveness in decision-making.

شهادة المدير التنفيذي

Executive Director Program

– Upgrading the performance of executives and their deputies in companies.

– It provides an insight into the key responsibilities and roles of executives, their responsibilities and roles.

– Provide participants with basic knowledge and skills from various fields required for the CEO.

– Assisting the Executive Director in developing and measuring performance indicators and evaluating the performance of the implementation plan.

– Increasing job opportunities as CEOs of companies in Yemen and the Arab region.


Executive directors and their deputies in companies and institutions, and prospective managers.

Heads of administrative departments and directors of departments nominated to fill this position.

8 days


برنامج أمين سر مجلس الإدارة

Corporate Secretary Program

– Increasing job opportunities as a corporate security in Yemen and the Arabregion.

– Defining the role of the secretary and the daily tasks and those that precede and follow the council meetings.

– Defining the board of directors, its types, tasks, composition and committees.

– Practical training on corporate governance development tools within the organization and the roleof the secretary in it.

– Defininggovernance, its origins and principles.

Target group

– The current and prospective secretaries of the Board of Directors

– Directors who are in permanent contact with the Board of Directors

– Those interested in learning more about the role and functions of the secretary

3 days


برنامج حوكمة الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة

Corporate Governance Program

  • Providing small and medium-sized companies with corporate governance systems and methodologies and assisting them in implementing these systems, which leads to improved performance, enhanced sustainable growth and increased access to finance. Also, help participants determine the best way to implement them in their own companies.

Target group

– Board members, executives and administrators who want to improve their corporate governance practices.

– Corporate board secretaries who will assist in implementing corporate governance practices.

– Family business members who want to ensure the sustainability of their companies.

2 days
