Governance And Its Dimensions On The Strategic Success of Banks

The Yemeni Institute of Directors organized, in cooperation with the Central Bank of Yemen, a workshop on “Governance and its dimensions on the strategic success of banks” on Thursday,

11/6/2014 AD, in the presence of fifty participants, in addition to researchers and academics in the field of governance. During which three worksheets were presented.

The participants in the workshop recommended the following:

1. That the boards of directors conduct a periodic self-evaluation of the extent of applying the principles of the governance guide and implementing corrective actions in light of the evaluation process

2. That banks train and develop the capabilities of members of boards of directors after ensuring their choice includes a mix of experiences, skills, and executive departments to activate their roles in developing the performance of banks

3. Implementing a series of awareness-raising programs for leaders and workers in banks on banking governance in the light of the banks guide

4. Activating the role of boards of directors in the process of continuous guidance and oversight in an effort to improve the performance of banks

5. Working on the periodic evaluation of the boards of directors periodically in order to continuously improve the performance of the council in the processes of directing and monitoring the performance of banks.

6. The boards of directors of banks must establish a governance committee within a short period of time.

7. Continue to hold workshops and programs for members of boards of directors in banks. 8. Work workshops and training programs for executive leaders in banks.

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