إعداد مصفوفة السلطات والصلاحيات

تهدف مصفوفة الصلاحيات إلى تحديد مسؤولية اتخاذ القرارات الإدارية والفنية والمالية ومستوى الصلاحية لكل نشاط من الأنشطة في المؤسسة أو الشركة وذلك من خلال تحديد الأدوار من مرحلة إعداد محتوى القرار حتى اعتماده، وتوفر المصفوفة المرجعية المتعلقة بتحديد المسؤوليات للمستويات التنظيمية المختلفة، وتهدف لضمان فاعلية اتخاذ القرارات وتلافي الازدواجية في الصلاحيات وتعزيز مبدء المساءلة وتوضيح قنوات الإتصال لزيادة الكفاءة والفاعلية في اتخاذ القرارات.

شهادة المدير التنفيذي

شهادة المدير التنفيذي المعتمد

أهداف البرنامج:

1-الارتقاء بمستوى أداء المدراء التنفيذين ونوابهم في الشركات.
2-يقدم نظرة متعمقة للمسئوليات والأدوار الرئيسية للمدراء التنفيذين ومسئولياتهم وأدوارهم.
3-تزويد المشاركين بالمعارف والمهارات الأساسية من مختلف المجالات اللازمة للمدير التنفيذي.



4-مساعدة المدير التنفيذي على وضع مؤشرات الأداء وقياسها وتقييم أداء الخطة التنفيذية.

5-زيادة فرص العمل كمدراء تنفيذين للشركات في اليمن والمنطقة العربية

الفئة المستهدفة

1-المدراء التنفيذيين ونوابهم في الشركات والمؤسسات والمدراء المرتقبين.

2-رؤساء الأقسام الإدارية ومدراء الإدارات المرشحين لشغل هذه الوظيفة.

8 أيام


برنامج أمين سر مجلس الإدارة

برنامج أمين سر مجلس الإدارة

أهداف البرنامج:

1- التدريب العملي على أدوات تطوير حوكمة الشركات داخل الشركات والمؤسسات ودور أمين السر فيه.

2- التعريف بالحوكمة, نشأتها ومبادئها.

3- تعريف مجلس الإدارة (أنواعه ومهامه وتشكيله ولجانه).​



4-زيادة فرص العمل كأمناء سر للشركات في اليمن والمنطقة العربية.

5- التعريف بدور أمين السر والمهام اليومية وتلك التي تسبق اجتماعات المجلس وتليها.

الفئة المستهدفة:

1- أمناء سر مجلس الإدارة الحاليين والمرتقبين​.

2- المدراء المخالطون لمجلس الإدارة بشكل دائم.

3- المهتمين بمعرفة المزيد عن دور أمين السر ومهامه.

3 أيام تدريبية


برنامج حوكمة الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة

برنامج حوكمة الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة

  • تزويد الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة بأنظمة ومنهجية حوكمة الشركات ومساعدتها في تطبيق تلك الأنظمة مما يؤدي إلى تحسين الأداء، تعزيز النمو المستدام و زيادة فرص الحصول على التمويل. أيضاً مساعدة المشاركين في تحديد الطريقة الأفضل للتطبيق في شركاتهم الخاصة.

الفئة المستهدفة

1– أعضاء مجالس الإدارات والتنفيذيين والإداريين الذين يرغبون في تحسين ممارساتهم حول حوكمة الشركات.

2- أمناء مجالس إدارة الشركات الذين سيساعدون في تطبيق ممارسات حوكمة الشركات.

3- أفراد الشركات العائلية الراغبون في ضمان استدامة شركاتهم.



حوكمة الشركات العائلية

حوكمة الشركات العائلية

  • يهدف هذا البرنامج إلى توضيح مبادئ ومعايير وممارسات حوكمة الشركات من أجل وضع استراتيجية فعالة للشركة من خلال تشكيل وتقييم أداء مجالس الإدارات، كيفية إدارة المخاطر، وتنفيذ خطط تعاقب السلطات في الشركات العائلية .

الفئة المستهدفة

1-رؤساء وأعضاء مجالس الأدارات في الشركات العائلية

2– أصحاب الشركات العائلية.

3– المدراء التنفيذيين في الشركات العائلية.



برنامج التدقيق الداخلي2

برنامج التدقيق الداخلي

أهداف البرنامج:

1-تحسين عمليات المراجعة الداخلية في الشركات والبنوك.

2-تنظيم عمليات إدارة المخاطر والرقابة.

الفئة المستهدفة:

1- أعضاء لجنة التدقيق في مجلس الإدارة (الحاليين والمرتقبين).

2- المراجعين الداخليين والخارجيين.

3- المراقبين الداخليين.

4- مسؤولي الامتثال.

5- مديري المخاطر.

3 أيام تدريبية ( 24 ساعة )


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Mi̇da-dan Ev Alanların Nəzərinə! – Nəticələr Ləğv Edildi, Həbs Edilənlər Var

Kibеridmаn və Еsроrts mərсlərinin tаrixçəsini digər disiрlinlərdən аyrılıqdа nəzərdən kеçirə bilərsiniz. Həmçinin Nətiсələri əlfəсinində kеçmiş qаrşılаşmаlаrın nətiсələrini öyrənmək imkаnı vаr. Məlumаtlаr tаrixə və kоmаndаlаrа görə çеşidlənir; аçаr sözlərlə аxtаrış mümkündür. Sоn illər ərzində virtuаl idmаn bаhis sеvənlər аrаsındа məşhurlаşmаğа bаşlаmışdır. Virtuаl idmаn əslində rеаl idmаn hаdisələrinin simulyаsıdir və kоmрutеrlər tərəfindən hаzırlаnır. Bu idmаn növləri rеаl idmаn müsаbiqələrinə əsаslаndığındаn çıxış еdən kоmаndаlаrın hеyəti, оyunun qаydаlаrı və digər сəhətlər də əsl idmаn müsаbiqəsindəki kimi təşkil оlunur.

Оnu istifаdəçinin Şəxsi Kаbinеtində və yа kuроnun аltındа tарmаq оlаr. Аçılаn рənсərədə istifаdəçilər mərсləri tаrixə görə sırаlаyа və оnlаrın stаtusunu (hеsаblаnmış və hеsаblаnmаmış mərсlər) izləyə bilərlər. Vаxtаşırı Рin Uр Bеt BŞ-nin fəаl оyunçulаrı bukmеykеrdən İdmаn bölməsi üçün fribеt şəklində bоnus əldə еdə bilərlər. Bоnus şirkətin аksiyаlаrındа və uduşlаrındа iştirаkа görə vеrilir. Рulsuz mərс оynаnıldıqdа, istifаdəçi öz рullаrını riskə аtmır. Mərс uğurlu оlsа, оyunçu öz əsаs bаlаnsınа xаlis uduşu аlасаqdır.

This casino is indeed the king of the mobile version since it offers swift and amazing experiences for smartphone users. Leo started with mobile and then shifted to the desktop version paradoxical. Most gamers like to play their favourite games in the presence of live dealers. Among the stakes, you can put your money on, are various live games such as Three Card Poker and Casino Hold’em in addition to Blackjack, Baccarat, and Roulette.

The only fix for this is downloading the casino’s dedicated app for desktop. With over 900 games (600+ mobile-friendly) provided by the top software providers in the world, this online casino quickly climbed the ranks to become one of the top companies. Players will be happy to know that there is an estimated pay-out percentage of over 90 percent. At Leo Vegas, the sheer number of options and stunning user interface will surely give you a good time. What will provide you with an even better experience are the incredible bonuses and promotions. The website offers a huge collection of different types of games, trustworthy payments, secure experience, friendly customer support, and red-carpet promotions.


You don’t have to download any software, although there are LeoVegas apps available for both iOS and Android that can be found on the casino’s website. The site itself loads immediately and the games took just a few seconds before you’re ready to roll. Their site is secured with SSL encryption technology so that all your transactions remain private and protected. Only good things can be said about the LeoVegas’ table games one of which is it abounds in blackjack variants. They offer great quality, attractive features, and blasting payouts.

Here they will give you more details, so please ensure you understand and are happy with the terms and conditions before you click on the ‘join now’ and proceed with your new account registration. When clicking on the LeoVegas welcome offer on the page link below you will quickly be directed to the new account opening page. We have rated LeoVegas 5 out of 5 stars for trustworthiness and here’s why.


LeoSafePlay is all about the casino’s way of highlighting and providing responsible gambling measures to help put member’s well-being first. For the casino’s live gaming section and sports betting, we will come to those later in the review. For the general casino, here are the other promotional offers you have a chance of claiming when you join. GoGo Casino works with some of the biggest names in online slots, to provide a selection that is top quality as well as varied. Some of the providers represented here include NetEnt, Microgaming and Play’n Go, as well as a live casino powered by Evolution Gaming. The sign up process at GoGo Casino really sets them apart from other online casinos.

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Depending on the method of payment you opt to use, your window of withdrawal and receiving the payment will change. With credit or debit cards, your window will be longer with 3 to 5 days. Whereas, if you use eWallets like Neteller or Skrill, the window reduces to 1 to 3 days. Use your award-winning app to play LeoVegas Casino when and where you want. Play your favourite games instantly and be reassured by the Touch ID security feature. The same quality exists even now, and you get to experience every feature and service of the casino from your smartphone, even desktop, tablet, or MacBook.

The questions touch on topics such as account deposit & withdrawal, bonuses, responsible gaming, sportsbook, casino, live casino, source of funds, and game rules. Overall, LeoVegas casino in Ireland justifies the expectations of players from Ireland with the website’s customer service team and the information within the Help Centre. Before we embark on the journey of our LeoVegas casino review, let’s discuss how we rate our operators. Firstly, we look at the casino based on a few major criteria, such as safety and trustworthiness. Before we recommend any online casino, we always make sure it is regulated. Other categories we look at are game selection, bonus offers, live gambling platforms, mobile apps, payment methods and customer support.

Gogo Casino’s User Experience

In checking the Irish licence of LeoVegas casino, we found that it is valid and this is a reputable online casino worth visiting. The operator has certificates from the Irish Revenue Commissioners, the United Kingdom Gambling Commission and the Malta Gaming Authority. The casino site of LeoVegas in Ireland is worth talking about in much detail. We hope we answered most of your questions in our LeoVegas online casino review.

These are your classic, more well-known titles that are often found at other online sites as well. Adding to your offers options at LeoVegas Casino, you will notice that you have a VIP progression bar as part of your account. Fill that bar up and leovegas you will be able to qualify for the VIP rewards. Promotions are nothing new, every site has one, so what makes Leo Vegas Casino special in this area? Well, firstly it’s the quality of the bonuses that you can collect, secondly, it’s the number.

Casino Overview

With a strong focus on mobile play, LeoVegas leads the way in terms of providing for the needs of the modern online casino player. When you play here you can look forward to hundreds of slot games, a brilliant live casino offers, plus lots of sports betting. GoGo Casino offers hundreds of different slot games, but a live casino experience, all of which are provided by some of the biggest names in the online casino world.

Load times are quick and customisable settings within the live dealer tables allow you to create an experience that is entirely immersive. At the moment, GoGo Casino doesn’t offer other kinds of games like video poker or scratch cards, as the focus is really on high quality slots and live casino games. As you would expect, there’s a great range of games available at GoGo Casino and you can look forward to excellent quality. There are slots, jackpots and live dealer table games, so you’ll definitely find something that tickles your fancy. Also, both funds will progress wagering requirements when playing Casino Classic promotions.

Registration At Gogo Casino

This offer comes with a wagering requirement of 30x, and you’ll need a minimum deposit of €20 to activate this promotion. Casumo has online and live casino games, and also a sports betting section. The live casino sections have several variations for blackjack, roulette, baccarat, and poker.

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Enjoy a huge selection of the best slots games and discover exclusive slots games to LeoVegas. As the focus at GoGo Casino is really on the simplicity of the experience and the quality of the games, as opposed to bonuses, so there’s no welcome bonus here, but you can play any of the games with your deposit. To activate this period of self-exclusion, players from Ireland can do so by contacting customer support, which will then be followed by a consultation. After this phase is done, an email with further details will be sent to the support team. This whole self-exclusion period will be, as far as the website stated, 6 months. There are two options for players from Ireland that seek help with their Casino Classic promotions, they are email and live chat.

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You can visit the promotions section when logged in to see all of the exciting casino bonus offers available to you. You’ll also get a notification when you have a new offer and an email if you’re signed up. There are currently no promo codes needed for the welcome bonus, nor the regular promotions.

Novibet Casino is licensed in Ireland by the Revenue Commissioners. The welcome offer has a wagering requirement of 35x the free spins are for Rainbow Cashpots (€0.10 per spin). There were nine other promotions available at the time of this writing, including VIP offers, Drops & Wins and Daily Gifts. It quickly became one of the most popular mobile gaming sites in Europe.

Leo Vegas Mobile Casino

The association with prominent gaming providers leads to an excellent games collection that fills the thrill among its players. Join the world of gaming with LeoVegas and get your wide choice of games to boost your potential. Few games may depend upon the predictions, and few may depend on the mind.

💳 Leovegas Casino Deposit And Withdrawing Payment Options

The site uses the latest SSL technology to protect all of your funds and ensure that your data stays safe while you play. GoGo Casino has clearly been designed for use on mobile, as the layout and design are totally optimised for a smaller screen and the simplistic experience is perfect for playing on the go. On mobile, you can look forward to HD graphics, quick loading times and an intuitive navigation. First and foremost, besides any specific requirements from Casino Classic promotions, the lowest deposit, as well as any deposits for bonuses, has a minimum requirement of €10.

Leo Vegas’s mobile games are completely optimized for the touchscreen. Parent company LeoVegas recently signed a regional sponsorship deal with Manchester City, becoming the club’s official betting partner in Europe and Canada. Through that tie-up, the platform is working with Inter to produce digital content featuring exclusive material and club-related trivia. You are allowed to withdraw any amount up to the “Available to Withdraw” balance, which can be found in your account.

Supported Platforms

The casinos we recommend provide a number of tools to help you stay in control of your gambling, including deposit limits and self-exclusion. While a wide range of payment methods are available, PayPal is not included. Along with the fact that the minimum deposit at LeoVegas is €10 and not lower, this brings down our score by 1 star. If you don’t feel you receive enough, you can bring it up with customer support. We have done so ourselves a couple of times with pleasing results, getting an extra bonus on our next deposit.

A Closer Look At The Top 5 Mobile Casinos In Ireland

The theme is in sync with the desktop browser version aspect and, unfortunately, exhibits the same flaws. The mobile version also presents the same promotion, and the number of games appears to be slightly lower on mobile. The first one nods at the green and brown theme, and the second keeps it that way, opting for a simplistic way of page arrangement.